A website designed, built and launched in 5 days? Yes we can!

We try never to shirk away from a challenge, so when Summerhouse Media threw down the guantlet on Tuesday last week to design, build and launch a website complete with content management system for them within 5 working days, we, naturally, said yes!

Full steam ahead into a brief and design phase, we designed all pages for the site within 2 days and then started the build. The final stages involved snagging, adding content to site and adding some finishing touches, like a gallery page with pop up images, revolving images across many pages and also making final text changes to get it ‘just so’.

The end result: the project was delivered on time and on budget and the client is thrilled: “I cannot thank you enough.  It was so exciting to tap in Summerhouse Media into Google and see what came up and we’re second from the top without even trying. I am so thrilled with the results; now we’ve really got something to build on and in every way.”

It certainly isn’t the norm to design and build a website as quickly as that, but it’s a great buzz to be able to complete a task like that for a client when the pressure is on.

View the website here: www.summerhousemedia.com

"I cannot thank you enough. It was so exciting to tap Summerhouse Media into Google and see what came up and we're second from the top without even trying. I am so thrilled with the results; now we've really got something to build on."

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