Online retailers take note – change is afoot…

Did you know that in June of this year Google launched a new shopping listings model? The old structure (formerly known as Google Product Search, Google Products and Froogle) which displayed free listings of products for sale as part of a Google search results page has been replaced by a new, commercial paid for listings system which will deliver better quality, more detailed search results to the consumer. Essentially Google Ads for online retail.

Clearly, users who relied on the free listing system will be most impacted by the change. However, the benefits in terms of results for those users who pay for the new, better displayed and more detailed listings may well be significant when you consider how consumers use the Internet to research and purchase items now. Search results have to be fast, accurate, detailed and descriptive and the theory is that this is what the new Google Shopping format will deliver, driving additional business to online retail sites and assisting with the conversion of site visitor to buyer.

Its worth bearing in mind thought that, as with everything in life, you only get out what you put in. As a Google Shopping user, your data has to be perfect, your descriptive text must be detailed and specific and pricing and availability up to date. The process involved in setting up Google Shopping Ads is straightforward but the devil is in the detail so it’s worth taking the time to initially make sure your information is correct and subsequently, ensure that it is checked and updated on a regular basis.

So, is this a new wave in the online shopping revolution or just a means for Google to increase income…? Probably both to an extent, but it may well pay to be on board.

If you’d like to know more about Google Shopping Ads then  why not give me a call on 01428 722990 or email me on


Search results have to be fast, accurate, detailed and descriptive and the theory is that this is what the new Google Shopping format will deliver.

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