OCTOBER 1, 2015
A unique dental service with a new approach to oral care has recently opened its doors in Chichester. This exciting new venture, The Dental Hygiene Centre, is the only dental centre in the locality (and one of only five nationally) dedicated entirely to oral hygiene.
The Dental Hygiene Centre was launched on 12 September with a special open day designed to introduce its services to the locality. These services include oral health check-ups, tooth cleaning and polishing, preventative advice as well as advice on giving up smoking, teeth whitening services and stain removal. The centre also offers a children’s dental hygiene care service which includes tooth polishing and advice on brushing.
Although The Dental Hygiene Centre is owned in conjunction with Grange Dental Surgery (located two doors away) it is unique in that it is not necessary to be a patient of Grange Dental to use The Dental Hygiene Centre’s services. This unusual accessibility allows people to manage their oral care in a more flexible way, enabling them to receive a freshen up or address any concerns that they may have without registering with a Dentists or in between their regular appointments.
We were asked to work on elements of the launch of the Dental Hygiene Centre and were delighted to manage the design, development and installation/implementation of:
Branded signage and exterior privacy measures | A launch event invitation | A new practice flyer | the development implementation and follow up on a highly successful PR campaign to publicise the launch.
In addition we are also currently commencing work on a website for the Centre so watch this space for more updates!
The pace of the project was intense and involved a large number of stakeholders, all working together to make the event a success for the youth of East Hampshire
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