Something new and more to think about…


Predictions from those in the know suggest that the rise in real time, social related marketing heralds a distinct decline in the traditional scheduled ‘marketing campaign’.  This new style of fluid relationship marketing will change the face of the traditional spend on marketing and alter the landscape of accepted channels of communication. Customers interact with websites, on social platforms and with offline content at their own pace, when it’s relevant to them, the challenge for marketers is to be there when the consumer is ready, not when the business is.

So what else is new?

The increasing fluidity of the marketing mix is affecting Search Engine Optimisation too. Looking ahead, SEO will become less and less about the technical aspect of on page promotion and more about really good, valid, original content that can be socially consumed and shared.

Lines between SEO, social media and content are continuing to blur more and more as time passes and focus shifts from on page SEO to the mix of off page SEO options.

While we understand that the focus of online marketing is all about the content, it shouldn’t be forgotten that a picture paints a 1,000 words. Sites like Instagram and Pinterest have it sussed but the expansion of social sharing is a huge opportunity to make sure that your pictoral content is working as hard as everything else you do.

And finally…

Along with everything else you need to consider there’s now a new term for making sure you are seen as a good company to do business with. Ladies and gentlemen, I give you ‘Reputation Management’.

Reputation Management, as you might imagine from the name is the practice of managing your business reputation both on and offline as a provider of goods and/or services. We’ve all seen reviews of businesses online that make you determined never to use that particular provider….ever…but just how do you legislate for that one, ‘impossible to please’ customer who just won’t give you the chance to resolve the issue? Well the answer is you can’t, but you can turn it into an opportunity to demonstrate just how good your customer service actually is via a range of media and with a selection of effective tools.

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